Routines to compute sky positions of Sun, Moon, planets and more
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Todo List
File nutation.f90
Check difference in outcome between rev.198 and 199
Subprogram thesky_comets::cometxyz (t1, comid, x, y, z)
Use "hyperbolic method" for 0.98 < e < 1 as well? - see CHECK
Subprogram thesky_coordinates::atmospheric_refraction (alt0, h0, lat0, t0, p0, rh, lam, dtdh, eps)
Adapt aref() to compute the integral in the other direction for a direct method(?)
Subprogram thesky_coordinates::calcsunxyz (t1, l0, b0, r0, x, y, z)
To be disposed, has been replcaed by ecl_spher_2_eq_rect above
Subprogram thesky_datetime::calctime (ut, jd, jde)
Remove recomputation of 'UT JD'!!!
Subprogram thesky_datetime::dow (jd0)
Switch using dow(jd) to dow_ut(jd+tz/24.d0) to make it general
Subprogram thesky_datetime::woy (jd)
  • CHECK: int or floor?
  • Depends on dow(), which depends on module local -> switch to dow_ut()
Subprogram thesky_daylight::diffuse_radiation_perez87 (doy, alt, surfincl, theta, gbeam_n, gdif_hor, gdif_inc, gdif_inc_is, gdif_inc_cs, gdif_inc_hz)
Implement Perez et al. Solar Energy Vol. 44, Nr. 5, p. 271 (1990)
Subprogram thesky_planets::saturnphys (jd, be, bs, pa, in, om, ar, br, du, pa_s, ar_s, br_s)
  • check true/apparent coordinates (see CHECK)
Subprogram thesky_riset::riset (jd, pl, rt, tt, st, rh, ta, sh, rsalt, ltime, cwarn, converge)
  • This version sometimes finds the answer tmRad(i)>1, which is the answer for the next day...
    • (only?) solution: use a solver on JD for az,alt
Subprogram thesky_sun::sunpos_la (jd, calc, lat, lon)
odot is off by ~10" (~0.003d) in Meeus, Example 25a. Would need better L0 or C (or M?)