Routines to compute sky positions of Sun, Moon, planets and more
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date_time.f90 File Reference

(libTheSky version 0.4.2, revision 264, hash 4e52568, 2023-12-04)

Contains date and time procedures for libTheSky. More...

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module  thesky_datetime
 Date and time procedures.


subroutine thesky_datetime::set_date_and_time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
 Set global date/time variables (year, month, ..., minute, second in TheSky_local) to specified values.
subroutine thesky_datetime::get_date_and_time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
 Retrieve the current global date/time variables (year, month, ..., minute, second, stored in TheSky_local)
subroutine thesky_datetime::system_clock_2_ymdhms (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, tz)
 Return system-clock date and time in (year, month, ..., minute, second and tz)
subroutine thesky_datetime::set_date_and_time_to_system_clock ()
 Set global date/time variables (year, month, ..., minute, second in TheSky_local) to system clock.
subroutine thesky_datetime::set_date_and_time_to_jd2000 ()
 Set global date/time variables (year, month, ..., minute, second in TheSky_local) to JD2000.0.
subroutine thesky_datetime::calctime (ut, jd, jde)
 Compute UT, JD, JDE, DeltaT and TZ, using the date and (local) time and TZ stored in the module TheSky_local.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::calc_gmst (jd, deltat)
 Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time for any instant, in radians.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::gmst_meeus (jd)
 Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time for any instant, in radians, using Meeus.
subroutine thesky_datetime::localtime2jd (jd)
 Computes JD, DeltaT and TZ, from date/time variables in module TheSky_local.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::calc_deltat (jd, force_recompute)
 Compute DeltaT for a given JD.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::calc_deltat_ymd (y, m, d, force_recompute)
 Compute DeltaT for given y,m,d.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::find_deltat_in_range (y, y0)
 Find a precise value for DeltaT through linear interpolation of the two adjacent tabulated values.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::calc_deltat_approx (jd)
 Compute DeltaT for given JD, using a simple parabolic approximation.
subroutine thesky_datetime::jd2dtm (jd, yy, mm, d, h, m, s)
 Convert a Julian day (UT) to LOCAL date and time (h,m,s)
subroutine thesky_datetime::jd2dthm (jd, yy, mm, d, h, m)
 Convert a Julian day (UT) to LOCAL date and time (h,m - no seconds)
real(double) function thesky_datetime::jd2ltime (jd0)
 Convert a Julian day (UT) to a local time (LT, h)
subroutine thesky_datetime::printdate (jd, jde)
 Prints date/time of a given Julian day (UT) to standard output.
subroutine thesky_datetime::printdate1 (jd, jde)
 Prints date/time of a given Julian day (UT) to standard output, but without a newline.
subroutine thesky_datetime::dls (yr, jdb, jde)
 Find the two Julian days of the beginning and the end of daylight-savings time in the EU for a given year.
real(double) function thesky_datetime::gettz (jd, ltz0, ldsttp)
 Returns time zone: tz0 or tz0+1.
subroutine thesky_datetime::print_date_time_and_location (op, nlbef, nlaf, ut, jd, jde, locname, tzname)
 Display a banner with date, time and location of calculation. Computes and returns UT, JD and JDE.
integer function thesky_datetime::dow (jd0)
 Calculates day of week (0 - Sunday, ... 6)
integer function thesky_datetime::woy (jd)
 Calculate the week-of-year number.
subroutine thesky_datetime::easter_gauss (year, month, day)
 Calculate the date of Easter using Gauss' method.
subroutine thesky_datetime::passover_gauss (year, month, day)
 Calculate the date of Passover or Pesach (Jewish Easter) using Gauss' method.

Detailed Description

Contains date and time procedures for libTheSky.

Definition in file date_time.f90.